Syncspiration is an online multimedia ministry created by Adrian Sanso-Ali, to promote “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable” (Holy Bible, Philippians 4:8), with a special emphasis on “whatever is TRUE” – through the promotion of a proper Bible-based spiritual education for all.
Syncspiration’s primary focus is creating a series of audio and/or video teaching seminars that use a modern and colloquial language that everybody can understand, and which address current, relevant, and sometimes controversial spiritual topics. Until now most of these teachings have been produced in Spanish (You can access this content through the Spanish tab), but plans are underway to produce lots more content in English. Although aimed primarily at Christians, these teachings are recommended for all audiences. So, whoever you are, and whatever you believe, here is something for you.
If you are blessed by these teachings, you can support this project in the following ways:
1) Pray for this ministry.
2) Subscribe to the various Syncspiration channels on YouTube, Facebook, Spotify, etc.
3) Share the teachings with other people using the available options.
4) Buy the books (more books are currently being planned).
5) Send a one-time or recurring donation through the link provided.
Your contribution is important. With a donation of any amount, you will become a participant in this Work of God to educate the World.
Thank you for visiting us.
Syncspiration is an online multimedia ministry created by Adrian Sanso-Ali, to promote “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable” (Holy Bible, Philippians 4:8), with a special emphasis on “whatever is TRUE” – through the promotion of a proper Bible-based spiritual education for all.
Syncspiration’s primary focus is creating a series of audio and/or video teaching seminars that use a modern and colloquial language that everybody can understand, and which address current, relevant, and sometimes controversial spiritual topics. Until now most of these teachings have been produced in Spanish (You can access this content through the Spanish tab), but plans are underway to produce lots more content in English. Although aimed primarily at Christians, these teachings are recommended for all audiences. So, whoever you are, and whatever you believe, here is something for you.
If you are blessed by these teachings, you can support this project in the following ways:
1) Pray for this ministry.
2) Subscribe to the various Syncspiration channels on YouTube, Facebook, Spotify, etc.
3) Share the teachings with other people using the available options.
4) Buy the books (more books are currently being planned).
5) Send a one-time or recurring donation through the link provided.
Your contribution is important. With a donation of any amount, you will become a participant in this Work of God to educate the World.
Thank you for visiting us.